It is a simple exercise. List 25 random facts about yourself and send it to 25 friends. Have them to do the same. You can be as revealing or as superficial as you want. I don't really want to give too much away to all of the people on my list, but those who know me well already know the in-depth tidbits about my life.
I thought that the responses would give fun information. They did, but I was happy to see responses that gave me a chance to talk about the past.
I learned so much. I was able to know new friends better and to know old friends again. I found that the old friends were still as loved as they were in the past. The new friends are worth hanging on to.
I was happy to put water under a with a friend. There was no anger between us, but we finally had the opportunity to say things that have never been said. We said, "I'm sorry," "I love you," and "I'm glad to have you in my life." Things that have been said before, but not they mean so much more.
I have new friends. Friends that I have recently met, but have quickly learned to like. I will enjoy their company more now. I have learned things that will allow me to keep my foot OUT of my mouth.
I should like to require this exercise at the beginning of each new friendship. Sure, the best part about a new relationship is learning about the person, but how much more conversation starters will we have if we expound more on someone's #13 or #21.
Here are mine:
1. I was raised without cartoons and video games. I was not allowed to watch movies or TV shows that had to do with a lot of fantasy, magic, etc. Yet I have always been fascinated with magical things.
2. I have broken my little toe on my right foot twice, my little toe on my left foot once, and the outside of my right foot once (had to wear a cast for that one). All incidents happened when I was barefooted on a carpeted floor because that is how much skill I have.
3. I used to sing a lot in choirs and in for church. I really miss doing that, but not enough to join a church.
4. I never went out on a single date with a member of the opposite sex until I was 20 years old. He turned out to be a jerk.
5. I am really a huge grammar Nazi. Sorry.
6. Contrary to popular belief, my undergraduate degree was not in English, it was in Public Relations. But it should have been in English.
7. I hate being overheated, but it is hard for me to stay warm. Summer in Texas is a little miserable for me.
8. I have never, ever seen the movie Titanic, nor do I ever intend to. There is no need for it.
9. I do not like the actor Robert Duvall. I think that he is a good actor, and possibly even a good person, but there is something about him that just rubs me the wrong way.
10. I do not generally like chick flicks, but I will stand in line with you at midnight for a superhero, comic book, sci fi, or fantasy movie.
11. I believe that Star Wars is part of our modern mythology.
12. I hate the poetry of Emily Dickinson. One cannot be an expert on life by staying cloistered in her house and running from visitors. The fact that we regard her as much as we do is insane. If you want to revere someone for writing about American life, try Walt Whitman. He was a Civil War nurse for pete's sake.
13. I have never read a textbook all the way through, and I rarely fully read articles that I use for research.
14. I have worn glasses since I was 10 years old. Though I may complain about them, I feel that they are part of my identity, so I am hesitant to wear contacts or get lasik.
15. I do not, under any circumstances, like raisins. Especially in my cookies. There is no reason to spoil a perfectly good oatmeal cookie with gross little grape turds.
16. I do not trust most organized religions. Some people find peace and comfort there, but not I. I have a fear that organized religion will be our downfall.
17. I am a fiercely devoted friend. This has been the cause of much pain in my life.
18. I have dis-proportionally long arms. This make finding a comfortable jacket or coat difficult.
19. It took me almost 25 years to come to terms with the fact that I am a great big geek. I had no base of comparison when I was younger: my parents were the same way, and everyone else was not. But I am a bigger geek than both of my parents.
20. Being an Army brat was the greatest experience of my life, and it prepared me for more challenges in my life than I would have realized.
21. I do not recognize the Army we have now. A lot of times, it shames me to see it so touchy-feely. You joined the Army, there might be a war, people get killed. It's not fun or pretty, but it happens.
22. However, I am glad that the military is recognizing that PTSD is a real problem and they are taking efforts to help those who have it.
23. It is hard for me to talk about myself. This is becoming more evident the further I get into this list.
24. I am one of the most patient, forgiving, and accepting people I know. This is a hard thing to come to terms with when people hurt me.
25. I am not a morning person, but I love the time of day when I get up, the house is quiet, and you can feel the earth getting ready for a new day. It is beautiful, peaceful, and perfect.